

From April 15, 2025 until April 16, 2025

At Viyana - Viyana, Viyana, Avusturya

Canton Fair Net tarafından gönderildi

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Kategoriler: İnşaat sektörü

Hit: 2019

That was BauZ! 24 - BauZ!

It was BauZ! 24The 2023 Congress was held last year under the theme of urgency, "Less". But make it more!Foto: (c) EnzbergIn 2024 we will no longer be facing the same problems. We (and the society) will have completed the switch-over. Components, building structures, neighborhoods.'Here are some considerations.What will be converted to electricity? From an environmental point of view everything, including building technologies, has an environment.These often require new infrastructure. The energy and heat flow is increasingly coming from roofs, electricity generated locally or by neighbors, waste heat, district heating, or its return, anergy network, or geothermal probes.The heat and energy flow is not just a result of the roof. It's the result from planning, agreements, contracts and authorisations. A great deal of social innovation and initiative.New building technologies often require upgraded building envelopes. The energy efficiency of building enclosures is well known. However, the environmental effort required to produce the materials, and the future effort needed by the connections among the materials, also demands more attention.Foto: (c) EnzbergThis effort has shifted the focus away from new construction and towards new utilisations and conversions of existing buildings.Re-utilisation can also mean greening the roofs and façades to reduce summer temperatures and soothe the eyes.The TU Wien office tower's 'TUtheSky" hall was the venue for our congress.Tobias Waltjen, Foto: (c) Cristina FloritSusanne Formanek, Foto: (c) Cristina FloritVolker Schaffler, Foto: (c) Cristina FloritWe began with1. "Framework Conditions that Help" and continued withThe following are two examples of refurbishment projects.New principles in material ecologie and the circular economyFoto: (c) EnzbergThe second day began with the topic that has been much discussed.4. Continued with 4 "New approaches to building technical equipment"The presentation concluded with a discussion of 5. Open space and greening.New building projectsYou can also find out more about F.